International Students

  • 1. How can I apply to Istanbul Health and Technology University?

    You can apply to Istanbul Health and Technology University both online and in person. Online Application You can apply to Istanbul Health and Technology University through link below: Please note that you need to scan and upload all required documents during your online application. For any application-related question, please contact us via In Person Application You can apply to Istanbul Health and Technology University by visiting our International Office within our main Campus. For more information regarding the location, please follow the link below: Please note that you need to submit copies of all required documents during your personal application. For further questions:  

  • 2. Can I apply more than one program at the same time?

    Yes, you can apply more than one program at the same time if you meet the application criteria.

  • 3. What are the student quotes for different programs?

    Student quotas for the programs may vary annually. Please visit our website for updates.

  • 4. When is the application period?

    The applications are made in October each year.

  • 6. Who can apply to Istanbul Health and Technology University under the “international student” status?

    High-school graduates or senior year high school students who are: Foreign nationals, Turkish citizens by birth and hold the permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkey to cease to be a Turkish citizen, and their underage children who are registered on these people’s expatriation document and provide evidence of ownership of the document issued in accordance with the Turkish Citizenship Law on the Exercise of The Legal Rights (According to Turkish Citizenship Law, those who were born in Turkey or abroad from Turkish national mother and father within a conjugal union are Turkish citizens by birth. Therefore, Turkish nationals who are going to apply from abroad are recommended to read the aforementioned law), Dual citizens being foreign national at birth and became citizens of the Republic of Turkey later, Turkish citizens and continued their secondary education abroad before 01/02/2013 and completed the last three years of their secondary education (high school) in a foreign country except TRNC (including those who completed the secondary school (high school) in the Turkish schools that were established in the care of MNE in a foreign country except TRNC), Who started the secondary education after 01/02/2013 and completed the whole secondary education (high school) in a foreign country except TRNC (including those who completed the whole secondary education (high school) in the Turkish schools that were established in the care of MNE in a foreign country except TRNC) Nationals of TRNC and reside in TRNC, and completed the secondary education in TRNC and have GCE AL exam results, TRNC nationals, who enrolled in a college or high school in other countries between 2005 and 2010, and have GCE AL exam results or will be holders of it, *Please note that to apply at Istanbul Health and Technology University, you need to satisfy at least one of the above criteria.  

  • 7. Who cannot apply to Istanbul Health and Technology University under the “international student” status?

    Please note that candidates who are: Turkish citizens and completed the whole secondary education in Turkey or in TRNC (except those who completed the whole secondary education in a foreign country other than TRNC), TRNC citizens (except those who completed the whole secondary education in TRNC and have GCE AL exam results), Dual citizens, who are originally Turkish citizens by birth, described in the subclause b of the first clause of the Article 5 (except those who completed the whole secondary education in a foreign country other than TRNC and those who completed the whole secondary education in the Turkish schools in a foreign country other than TRNC), Dual citizens, one of his/her citizenship is TRNC citizenship (except those who completed the whole secondary education in TRNC high schools and have GCE AL exam results and those who have or will have GCE AL exam results by enrolling and training in colleges and high schools in other countries between 2005 and 2010), Turkish citizens or dual citizens, who are originally Turkish citizens by birth, described in the subclause b of the first clause of the Article 5 and received education within the schools of Embassies in Turkey and in the foreign high schools in Turkey cannot apply to Istanbul Health and Technology University.

  • 8. What are the language requirements for available programs?

    There are both Turkish and English programs available at Istanbul Health and Technology University. Programs in Turkish Documentation of Turkish competency is required for Turkish programs at Istanbul Health and Technology University. To apply Turkish programs, you need provide a score of C1 or above at TÖMER or Yunus Emre Institute Turkish Proficiency Exam. If the applied program is one of the vocational programs, you need provide a score of B2 or above. Programs in English Documentation of English competency is required for English programs at Istanbul Health and Technology University. Please note that if the medium of education has been English in your high school, you may be considered competent given that you provide an official (signed and sealed) letter from your institution. Otherwise, you are required to submit one of the following results.   English Language Competency Examinations For English Programs Only TOEFL IBT Minimum Score 75, TWE 19 TOEFL CBT Minimum Score 203, TWE 4.0   TOEFL PBT Minimum Score 537, TWE 4.0   Certificate of Extended Education (CEE) Grade I-II ACT (American College Testing) Minimum Score 24/36 International Baccalaurate (IB) A1 Syllabus; A2 Syllabus QF Level: Minimum Score 517    

  • 9. What are the entry requirements for available programs?

    Your application is evaluated based on the scores and certificate degrees provided in tables below.   International Exams     Medicine Program (Tr/Eng)   Others   Turkish Programs   English Programs ACT 27/36 20/36 22/36 SAT (before 2016) Total score: 1830 out of 2400 (with a math score of at least 600)   Total score: 1110 out of 2400   Total score: 1500 out of 2400   SAT (after 2016) Total score: 1300 out of 1600 (with a math score of at least 650)   Total score: 830 out of 1600   Total score: 1100 out of 1600         International Diploma     Medicine Program (Tr/Eng) Other Programs   Turkish Programs   English Programs Matura 85% 70% 80% French Baccalaureat 14/20 12/20 ABITUR 2,3/6 3,5/6 3,3/6 GCE (A Level) Minimum Grade B is for at least 2 Advance Level courses Minimum Grade D for 2 Advance Level courses Minimum Grade C for 2  Advance Level courses IB (International Baccalaureate)     30/45   28/45   All exam results, required certificates and documents will be scanned and uploaded during online application (or they can be delivered to international Office if in person application is preferred). You do not need to send any official documents during application period. You will be asked to send the required documents if your application is successful.  

  • 10. I have completed my application. What will happen now?

    Once your application is received, initially there will be screening process in which our team will review your application to decide its validity. Secondly, given that you pass the screening process successfully, there will be an evaluation process in which your application is evaluated in terms of academic merit by Admissions Committee comprised of the Dean of the relevant College. The Admissions Committee will go through your certificates, exam results, and other required documents to evaluate your application. Interviews may be held with the candidate via Blackboard or telephone, if necessary. 

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