Students who meet the application criteria below may apply for the undergraduate programs at the Middle East Technical University (as long as they satisfy at least one of the minimum exam/diploma scores.
On the condition that they have graduated or are expected to graduate from a high school;
1) International students (non-Turkish citizens),
2) Those who have renounced their Turkish citizenship, and their children under 18 who are listed in the renouncement document.
3) Those dual citizens who hold citizenship of other countries by birth and have gained the citizenship of the Republic of Türkiye by application [Turkish Citizenship Law states that “Anyone born, either in Türkiye or abroad, in the marriage of a Turkish mother or father, is a Turkish citizen.” Therefore, we recommend you examine the Turkish Citizenship Law.]
a) Among those who continue their secondary education abroad before the date 2/1/2013 and who hold the citizenship of the Republic of Türkiye, those who have completed their last three years of secondary education in another country, other than the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus [including those who have completed their whole secondary education in a Turkish institution under the authority of Ministry of Education of Türkiye in another country, other than TRNC],
b) Among those who have started their secondary education abroad after the date 2/1/2013 and who hold the citizenship of the Republic of Türkiye, those who have completed their whole high school education in another country, other than TRNC [including those who have completed their whole secondary education in a Turkish institution under the authority of Ministry of Education of Türkiye in another country, other than TRNC],
5) Those who hold the citizenship of TRNC, who reside in TRNC and who have completed their secondary education in a GCE AL system, as well as those who have registered and completed their secondary education in a GCE AL system abroad between 2005-2010,
are eligible to apply.